World Champions, the Texas Rangers score big with a 360-degree view of operations data.

See how the MLB club uses data to increase operational efficiency, revenue, and fan loyalty.
2 min read

In a nutshell

After opening a new stadium, Texas Rangers needed to fill the seats and engage with fans to keep them coming back. Behind the scenes, manual guest service processes and data silos created operational inefficiencies and made it difficult to grow revenue. The Rangers replaced disconnected data from multiple sources with a single view of real-time data insights. This helped increase revenue from interest form leads by 2,000+% and create winning experiences for fans.

Why it matters

There’s a lot of data in baseball. How it’s used is what gives teams a competitive edge. Texas Rangers use Einstein 1 to connect teams with a single source of truth. Staff uses Tableau to visualize operations data — from ticket purchases and concession sales to events and promo giveaways — for 81 home games a year. With an enhanced view of data across every piece of its organization, the team can harness the full value of all its data and make better game-day, in-season, and postseason decisions to prioritize resources, enhance savings, and hit a home run with fans.

Having the ability to make real-time action-based decisions helps impact the business in a myriad of ways, leading to greater efficiency, increased ticket sales, and optimal experiences for fans.

Katie Morgan
VP, Business Analytics & Ticket Strategy, Texas Rangers

What the difference looks like

Without real-time visibility into its sales, service, and operations data, the team was putting the fan experience at risk and leaving revenue on the table. With Salesforce, the team can access a single source of truth for all its data.

Boosting sales and guest services

  • Texas Rangers use Sales Cloud to route and prioritize leads. Using “interest forms” — reaching out to fans directly when they’re on the website and connecting them with a ticket rep — resulted in a 2,000+% revenue increase.
  • Texas Rangers replaced its manual guest services tracking with Service Cloud. Now, agents can log and track cases in real time. This saves time and improves operations by clearly showing management changes and improvements to implement at the stadium, like bigger directional signs to parking and bathrooms.

Providing great fan experiences

Every Texas Rangers employee has a 360-degree view of a fan’s information, questions, queries, and cases. And that means everyone from ticket sales to guest services teams can use it to provide great experiences to every fan: 

  • If there is a broken seat, fans contact guest services, who create a ticket and fix the issue. 
  • The ticket sales rep can also see the details of this case and follow up to make sure the fan is satisfied. All of these positive interactions can also impact renewal rates. 
  • Fan having a birthday? The ticket sales rep and guest services team know about it before the game. Guest services greet them in their section with a “Happy Birthday!” 

Making faster decisions with real-time dashboards

Texas Rangers use data on and off the field, and Tableau is a game-changer. Before Tableau, data was kept in multiple spreadsheets and disparate sources. This created challenges for staff to make informative and impactful decisions in real time. Because dashboards update every two to five minutes, depending on the source, employees can make faster, smarter decisions. The Rangers also easily analyze data such as previous season ticket sales, win percentage, and renewal percentages to make recommendations on ticket prices every year.

Using AI for the future fan experience

Soon, the Texas Rangers plan to personalize the fan experience even more with AI. The club plans to use data — where fans sit or what foods they like — to have chatbots recommend the best places to park, what gate to enter, or where to buy their favorite foods.  

2,000 +%
increase in revenue from interest in leads
90 %
of applicable employees are using Tableau