A field service CRM console displaying alerts and schedule notifications, set in the foreground of a nature setting.

Cut field service costs with route optimization.

Route optimization uses automation and timely data for street-level, turn-by-turn routing. Automatic schedule updates help mobile workers avoid obstacles like traffic jams and get to jobs on time.

Five features to look for in a route optimization solution.

First-class field service is about getting the right technicians to customer locations on time, with the right tools and data. Route optimization supports this aim with advanced multiday scheduling and in-the-moment updates as weather, traffic, and onsite time changes.

1. Accurate, easy-to-read routes and schedules.

Route optimization takes physical customer addresses and plots them on digital maps for easy viewing. Even before mobile workers are in the field, route optimization can prepare clear maps and well-planned schedules to save time and money.

2. AI that can manage the complex stuff.

Balancing multiple, complex factors is the key to getting the right mobile worker to the right customer, on time. Route optimization can use AI to consider multiple factors, such as traffic, road work, weather delays, unique worker skill sets, and urgent requests before it routes and reroutes workers.

The cover of the Salesforce field service survey next to Salesforce character Einstein in a hard hat.

Mobile workers say field service tech boosts productivity.

In a recent Salesforce survey of mobile workers, 98% said field service management solutions had improved their productivity.

3. Timely travel estimates.

Historical traffic patterns are important for overall route planning. But by accessing timely data, field service management software can provide precise travel estimates and arrival times. This means happier customers, more productive workers, and adherence to service-level agreements (SLA).

4. Integrates with other systems.

A field service management system with route optimization must seamlessly integrate with multiple systems and software. This can include, for example, a service CRM for streamlined data flow or a GPS system for live traffic data.

5. Uses the latest data to expose potential pitfalls.

Mobile service workers experience delays, cancellations, and schedule updates each day. Some of this can be avoided by using effective route optimization to analyze and plan mobile worker schedules and routes in advance. AI can minimize future disruptions and help field service organizations reduce operating costs.

 Salesforce character Astro gesturing toward a service CRM console showing a chat conversation.

Calculate how much an efficient field service will save you.

What is the dollar difference when switching from a reactive to a proactive field service strategy? Take a moment to find out.