A Day in the Life of a Salesperson
Learn the daily tips for success from some of today's top salespeople.
Time to read: 2.5 minutes
You’re part of an amazing crowd. Let’s learn from each other.
1. Starting the day
are superstitious about selling
wake up before 6 a.m.
have been in sales for 10+ years

2. Closing the deal
If only you could snap your fingers to hit quota every month. But sales is a process. Long before you get the signature, you must put in the time finding new opportunities.
Most of our group’s prospecting happens on social media, at networking events, and through referrals. Even when they’re not actively selling, 33% are still researching. Aside from closing, 50% put relationship building as their favorite deal-related activity. And the best day to connect? For 46%, it’s Tuesdays.
say relationship building is their favorite
believe Tuesday is the best day to connect
say researching is the top non-selling task

3. Making your numbers
Yes, selling is a numbers game — but only 40% of our survey say money is their main motivator, while 35% credit job satisfaction. And the best personality trait for sales success? Curiosity beats perseverance — by a nose.
As far as numbers go, 85% of respondents believe their quota is fair. One in three report making quota 75% of the time, while 52% say they always meet or exceed it. Nearly one-third get their best selling advice from colleagues, while one-quarter follow their own star. Where will they be in 10 years? VP of sales, say 31% of our pool.
say their quota is fair
get their best sales advice from colleagues
say they always beat their quota

4. Striking a balance
To say sales is a stressful job is an understatement. No matter how much you crush your month, it’s the 1st again before you know it and you’re back at square one. It’s why so many salespeople work such long hours and why stress management is key for avoiding burnout. Our survey shows that 61% of salespeople work weekends. To balance the sales stress, 62% say they exercise or play sports.
The favorite way to spend office downtime is reading web content, say 53%. Self-improvement is a weekly investment for almost half our respondents — 35% focus on books, while 15% prefer to solicit feedback.
of salespeople work weekends
spend office downtime reading content
practice self improvement by soliciting feedback

5. Go beyond the quota.

Five Ways to Overachieve Your Sales Quota

The 16 Do’s of Highly Effective Sales Managers

Scheduling the Ideal Sales Day
More Resources


