Sandi Nuss Zellner is a Trailblazer

A New Chapter

Sandi Nuss Zellner is not your typical Salesforce Consultant. Following an unforeseen health condition that required immediate brain surgery, her life took an unexpected turn. Sandi found herself stepping away from the role she had loved - being a music teacher - as her brain could no longer cope with the sensory overload. Yearning to engage with music in some way, she started volunteering with a nonprofit that brings music education to underserved children.

The nonprofit ran on Salesforce and needed data entry help. Despite having no technical skills, Sandi saw the potential in Salesforce as a tool that could help her make a meaningful contribution to the nonprofit’s mission. She started learning on Trailhead, and connected quickly with both the content and the Trailblazer Community. Today, Sandi is the Founder and Lead Technical Architect at Locke Nuss Consulting.

Leading the Way

At Locke Nuss Consulting, Sandi's role is pivotal. She manages CRM operations, focussing primarily on Salesforce – the platform that paved the way for her new career path. Her responsibilities span across designing and developing solutions, architecting Salesforce-based systems, and ensuring these are in harmony with the business processes of her clients.

With her deep understanding of Salesforce's capabilities, Sandi has been able to derive maximum client value from the platform. From implementing a customer's lifecycle journey in the CRM to customizing the interface to suit unique business needs, Sandi's Salesforce expertise shines through in every project.

A Triad of Tech Expertise

In addition to her CRM experience, Sandi brings profound knowledge in data analysis to her role. She leverages data generated within Salesforce to drive strategic insights and aid decision making. With her adept data visualization skills, she turns raw data into actionable intelligence, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions.

But her tech proficiency doesn’t end there. Sandi uses Trailhead to skill up on Salesforce's AI tools, using them to craft intelligent solutions that transform the way businesses operate. She harnesses the power of Salesforce's Einstein 1 Platform to automate processes, predict outcomes, and provide personalized recommendations. Her expertise in CRM, Data, and AI enables her to help her clients gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

The Einstein 1 Platform has revolutionized how we engage with customers. With its predictive analytics and AI, we can anticipate and personalize their experiences better than ever.

Sandi Nuss Zellner
Founder and Lead Technical Architect, Locke Nuss Consulting

Coming Full Circle

Just as the Trailblazer Community supported her during her journey, Sandi never misses a chance to give back. As a leader in the community, she guides and assists novice Salesforce professionals by sharing her knowledge and experience to help them carve their own success stories.