
When you are deeply connected with partners and customers you hold the competitive advantage”

Chong Mien Teh, Vice President

StarHub brings customers and channel partners into its universe with Salesforce

Singapore's StarHub is a household name in mobile, pay TV and broadband. On launching its commercial sales division in 2009 it found existing systems geared towards the consumer business, lacking the functionality for tracking multiple leads through channels. But, adding in those extra layers threatened to add complexity.

StarHub's vice president for sales of Enterprise Business Group Chong Mien Teh chose to return to the drawing board instead, reasoning that it was better to build the ideal foundation for the commercial business than to attempt to fit a metaphoric square peg into a round hole.

It's a decision Teh has celebrated ever since. The Salesforce phase one build took only six months - just weeks for each subsequent phase! Results have already superseded expectations.

Growing customer relationships

With Salesforce, StarHub has a system that accumulates valuable customer data into profiles, which grow with every interaction. Minimising customer churn is a primary objective. StarHub has introduced contract expiry alerts, which in combination with data analytics arm sales reps with all they need to re-contract customers early with service bundles to meet their specific needs. This is a key factor in converting the 50% of customers currently on a single service plan into multi-service customers.

At the same time, StarHub is injecting efficiency into every stage of sales cycle. The company has experienced a massive seven times increase in sales in just three years.

Dashboards drive success

Dashboards give management up-to-the-minute clarity around the performance of 400 sales consultants and channel partners – portfolio management has never been better. They also feed campaigns, helping marketing to match the right product to the right demographic.

The product team also relies on dashboards for monitoring product performance. Provisioning delays, or tactical issues of any kind, are immediately flagged and remedied before posing a threat to the customer relationship.

Bringing in channel partners

Teh believes connecting more closely with channel partners will facilitate the small things that make a big difference in gaining customer loyalty, and ultimately market share. For example, answering a request for a specific handset colour that takes two to three phone calls today could be reduced to a matter of minutes. Equally, Teh expects to slash the typical one-day lead-time for mobile phone provisioning down to a specific two-hour time slot.

"When you are deeply connected with partners and customers you hold the competitive advantage," he says.

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