Small Business Gmail
How to Use Gmail for Small Businesses
Using Gmail for small business is an intuitive solution that works well for some. But many businesses eventually run into challenges as they start to grow.
Although Google has created many intuitive apps for business, there's one thing this web-based app is not built to do: customer service. Gmail is designed for one person, and your workflow can become increasingly inefficient when multiple people are using the same account. Some of the most customer-centric companies have experienced similar problems when they had more than one person on their support team. From using the colored-star system to printing out emails, Gmail has no scalable way to prioritise emails.
Sound familiar? Here are three issues that may alert your small business that's it's time to make a switch to an alternative gmail app:
1. Share Gmail Account Business

2. Gmail Prioritises Emails

3. Understand the Customer

When is it Time to Graduate From Gmail?
If any of the following statements are true about your business, it may be time to switch from Gmail to Google’s G Suite, or another app that allows you to better scale and one that’s designed for businesses:
You have more than one person responding to customer inquiries.
Your support team is continuously growing.
Tracking and managing email volume is difficult.
You refer your customers to multiple departments to get the right response.
You don't have an efficient process for tracking customer information and their prior conversations.
You worked on the same customer issue unaware that another person is already handling the problem.
Customer emails regularly exceed 24 hours before they are resolved.
Customers have no method to solve their own problems outside of contacting your support team.
Customers are increasingly expressing frustration when contacting your business.
Moving From Gmail to a Dedicated Email App for Customer Service
Using a dedicated email app for customer service can help you create smart workflows to track and manage your emails, so everyone in your company can play a role in supporting the customer and know:
What issues customers care about the most
The priority of some emails over others
When an email was created, updated and resolved