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The Future of the Post-Pandemic Customer

SMEs and large corporations alike are witnessing a behavioural change in the journey their customers take. The rapid digitalization triggered by COVID-19 has radically changed customer and employee expectations.

With high levels of inflation and the effects of “The Great Resignation”, companies must focus on the evolution of the work space, work culture, and the tools they need to augment their employees' experience to ultimately drive customer experience.

Join Alycia Rivas, Nigel Wallis and Michael Hainsworth, as they discuss how to deliver commercial excellence when margins are under pressure, the future of the retail and enterprise employee in a post-COVID age of digitalization - and how to make everyone, including the customer, happy in the process.

Featured Speakers:

Alycia Rivas, Director of Industry Solutions & Strategy, Consumer Goods | Salesforce

Nigel Wallis, Research Vice President, IoT and Industries | IDC Canada

Michael Hainsworth, Moderator | IDC & CIO

Webinar sponsored by Salesforce


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