Kalpataru helps customers make better-informed home purchases with Salesforce

With a single source of customer truth, sales reps are personalising customer conversations, and simplifying home-buying decisions.

Kalpataru, a leading real estate company in India, has been building world-class homes and commercial spaces for generations of happy customers since 1969. A recipient of several global awards in design and quality, Kalpataru has delivered over 110 landmark projects in more than nine cities.

For customers, buying a Kalpataru home is a major financial and emotional decision. There are so many factors to consider, so much information to process.

Kalpataru’s goal is to make these decisions simpler.

With Salesforce Sales Cloud, sales reps have all the data they need at their fingertips to help customers make better-informed home purchases.

“Salesforce has become an integral part of our pre-sales process,” says Saugata Basu, Group Chief Digital and Information Officer, Kalpataru Group. “Every customer interaction is captured on the platform, making it easy for our sales reps to personalise property recommendations.”

Kalpataru is now exploring how Salesforce Marketing Cloud can further personalise customer engagement.

“Today, we send identical marketing messages to all our customers,” observes Basu. “But with Marketing Cloud and a 360-degree customer view, we’ll be able to tailor our communications to each customer’s unique requirements.”


Watch this video of Basu discussing how Kalpataru is reimagining home-buying experiences with Salesforce.


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