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80% of reps with AI say it’s easy to get the customer insights they need to close deals — vs. 54% without AI.
State of Sales 07/2024
51% of sales teams that have fully implemented AI first enhanced their data security to prepare.
State of Sales 07/2024
53% of sales teams that have fully implemented AI first consolidated their tools and tech stack.
State of Sales 07/2024
31% of sales teams with AI have run into issues with inaccurate, incomplete, or old data.
State of Sales 07/2024
Only 35% of sales professionals completely trust the accuracy of their organization’s data.
State of Sales 07/2024
81% of sales teams are investing in AI (40% are experimenting with it and 41% have fully implemented it in their operations).
State of Sales 07/2024
Top 5 areas where AI is improving sales:
  1. Sales data quality and accuracy
  2. Understanding of customer needs
  3. Personalization for customers
  4. Sales forecasting accuracy
  5. Prospect / customer communication
State of Sales 07/2024
83% of sales teams with AI saw revenue grow in the past year — versus 66% of teams without AI.
State of Sales 07/2024
68% of sales professionals with AI have no desire to change jobs within 12 months — versus 55% without AI.
State of Sales 07/2024
On sales teams with AI, reps are 2.4x less likely to experience burnout than on teams without AI.
State of Sales 07/2024
82% of reps with AI feel confident about the future of their role — versus 67% of reps without AI.
State of Sales 07/2024
68% of sales teams with AI added headcount in the past year — versus 47% of teams without AI.
State of Sales 07/2024
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