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Salesforce CMO Discusses The Trust Revolution in Marketing at DMEXCO Keynote

During the opening keynote at the DMEXCO conference in Cologne, Germany, Salesforce CMO Stephanie Buscemi discussed the trust revolution in marketing and how marketers can build trusted brands. “There is a breakdown in trust,” she said. “The levels of distrust are unprecedented and the impacts on companies and brands is massive. Customers are speaking up with their wallets and giving their business only to those companies that value trust.”

Buscemi cited Salesforce Research that reveals 92% of consumers are more likely to purchase additional products and services from trusted businesses and 95% who say they are more likely to be loyal to a brand they trust.

In a call to action for marketers and business leaders, Buscemi stated that in order to be a positive force for change, businesses have to operate on a set of core values. “It is your core values that build trust with your customers,” she said. “At Salesforce, we are built on a core set of values. Our entire culture is built on trust — the trust we have with you, our customers, our partners, and our employees.” These core values come to life in three three key ways—they are expressed in relationships brands build via culture, content and community. “All three are in the DNA of marketing,” she said.

Buscemi went on to highlight examples in each of these categories. In culture, she discussed Salesforce’s approach to Inclusive Marketing and creating content that truly reflects the diverse communities that the company serves. For content and community, she discussed Adidas and its commitment to producing shoes from recycled plastics, aiming for 100 percent recycled plastic use by 2024. For content, she also showcased BMW, which believes trust as their core value will be the key competitive edge for its new mobility business in a fast changing market. BMW is also extending its content beyond automotive and extending into lifestyle, design, innovation and fashion.

“I will leave you with this,” she concluded. “How will you bring your brand’s values to life through culture, content and community to build trust and drive growth?”

If you missed the keynote, it is available for replay:

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