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Salesforce Partners with Seal Rescue Ireland to Plant 20,000 Trees Towards 100 Million Tree Goal

Where Ireland’s surface was once 80% covered by native forests, less than 2% now remains

We live in a world where companies and individuals are becoming more socially responsible to help look after each other and the planet. At Salesforce, we pride ourselves on being a business committed to making the world a better place. We also believe that when it comes to protecting the planet and combating climate change, businesses have a significant leadership role to play. 

In January, as a founding partner of, and in support of its mission, Salesforce announced a company goal to support and mobilize the conservation, restoration, and growth of 100 million trees by the end of 2030.

Conservation efforts will improve the environment and lifespan of seals and other species

Restoring nature for Ireland’s seal population

We are proud to announce today that we are partnering with Seal Rescue Ireland, Ireland’s only seal rescue centre, to plant 20,000 native trees in Ireland to help combat climate change. Tree planting has become a large focus in Seal Rescue Ireland’s proactive conservation efforts, as this action has a direct impact on improving the environment and lifespan for seals as well as other species.

Where Ireland’s surface was once 80% covered by native forests, less than 2% now remains. The effects of climate change, such as increased frequency and severity of storms, are impacting our ecosystem. Forests are one of the best tools we have for removing carbon from the atmosphere.

Trees will be planted in various communities in the South East of Ireland

This initiative will help address the urgent challenge of climate change and depleting forests by creating a carbon sink as well as preserve the environment for Ireland’s native seal population. 

We are delighted to have Salesforce’s support for this ambitious tree planting project.”

Melanie Croce, Executive Director, Seal Rescue Ireland

The trees will be planted in various communities in Wexford, in the South East of Ireland. Planting trees along riverbanks provides a natural filtration system for surface-water run-off. This will result in less water pollution making its way to the sea where it can cause health issues in seals and disrupt the ecosystem. Native trees also create habitats for species, which leads to greater biodiversity and prevents ecosystem collapse, which can threaten important links in marine food chains. 

Using technology to track and monitor wildlife

Seal Rescue Ireland is planning to use Salesforce technology to accurately track, manage and measure the ecological impacts of this effort. 

Seal Rescue Ireland’s Executive Director, Melanie Croce, said “We are delighted to have Salesforce’s support for this ambitious tree planting project. It will have such powerful results on our environment, biodiversity and ecosystem, not to mention the impact for the seals we rescue.”

For more details on Salesforce’s 100 million tree commitment visit, built on the Salesforce Platform in partnership with Plant-for-the-Planet, that tracks our progress towards our 100 million tree goal, highlights our partners on our tree journey, and enables donations to some of the projects we’re supporting around the world.

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