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Salesforce’s Chief Innovation Officer Simon Mulcahy on Challenges and Opportunities in the All-Digital Environment

McKinsey & Company’s latest Inside the Strategy Room podcast features an interview with Salesforce Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer Simon Mulcahy. “Every organization is going to leverage digital, so that alone is not enough,” Mulcahy said. “You need information faster; you need to be able to service your customers in a way that you’ve never been able to.” 

Every organization is going to leverage digital, so that alone is not enough.

Simon Mulcahy, Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer, Salesforce

The interview includes Mulcahy’s thoughts on what the future looks like as the pandemic environment continues, and how some companies are learning to find unique opportunities and move faster. “We’re seeing that CEOs are being really ambitious about putting together plans to not just ride out the storm, but actually look at how they’re going to emerge from this stronger, better, more competitive,” Mulcahy said.

Click the graphic below to listen to the podcast. Highlights from the interview are also available here, as is a complete transcript.

Click the graphic above to listen to the podcast

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