
One of the biggest challenges we had was moving away from 35 CRMs to one. Salesforce has been a great partner for that.”

Dominic Quin, Director of Digital Transformation

Fonterra builds new connections from the farm to the consumer

Fonterra is New Zealand’s largest company and one of the region’s greatest success stories. The global dairy nutrition company is owned by 10,500 New Zealand farmers – all working together to export quality dairy nutrition to more than 100 countries around the world.

To be successful, Fonterra needs to be highly connected with its customers, its consumers, its farmers, and its people.

“It’s very easy to get siloed in a big company like ours, and we wanted to make sure the customer has a unified experience with the whole company,” said Dominic Quin, Director of Digital Transformation at Fonterra. “We needed to transform digitally and build one platform we could connect all the way through the business.”

Fonterra is using the latest technologies to build a connected digital skin that wraps around its business units, connecting everyone. Salesforce is supporting Fonterra’s digital transformation and it’s already changing the way Fonterra interacts with its farmers.

“One of the biggest challenges we had was moving away from 35 CRMs to one. Salesforce has been a great partner for that,” said Quin.

Farm Source is how Fonterra connects with its farmers 24/7, including providing business information and support via its website and apps, 24 hour helpline, a dedicated team, and network of physical stores up and down New Zealand.

Today, Fonterra has a single view of the farmer. They know exactly where the farmer is at in their journey and can provide more personal support.

Evelyn Seewald, GM Operations and Farmer Services, Fonterra, said that access to real-time information through Salesforce had led to richer and more meaningful conversations with their farmers.

“We had a farmer ring up our helpline with an issue that needed to be dealt with. Having that single view of the farmer through Salesforce, our area manager, who was driving up the farmer’s drive that day, could look at the real time information, talk to the farmer and close the conversation off there and then. He was able to turn it into a really positive experience,” said Seewald.

Farmers now have access to an online community with all the tools, websites, and applications needed to run a competitive and sustainable business — all through a single log in.

With Salesforce, Fonterra is piloting an Internet of Things solution to empower their farmers even further.

Innovation from grass to glass

During the peak dairy season, Fonterra closes the door on a container of exports every three minutes. It manages this all the way through to the consumer to ensure nutritious, great tasting, safe and secure products.

Looking forward, Fonterra’s ambition is to make a difference in the lives of 2 billion people by 2025 and to be the most trusted source of dairy nutrition in the world.

Gerben Otter, CIO at Fonterra said that the company is using technology-enabled innovation to achieve this and become much more agile than it is today.

“We’re already the biggest and we want to be the fastest,” he said.


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