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Business Mantra for the New Normal: Do Well by Doing Good

Business Mantra for the New Normal: Do Well by Doing Good

Various businesses stepped forward with their voluntary support to help make things better during the pandemic. Find out how people think corporates can help bridge inequalities in society and prosper even while driving positive change.

It has been heartening to see several companies come forward to help the community during the Covid-19 crisis, through donations, collaborations with non-profits and government agencies, and virtual employee volunteering.

Salesforce’s Global Stakeholder Series captures the responses of stakeholders from around the world on various aspects of the future of work. One such important aspect covered in the survey is the role of businesses as a platform for change.

Here’s what people in India think about this aspect.

Business Mantra for the New Normal: Do Well by Doing Good

To know what people from other countries feel about the role of business and its leaders in creating a platform for change, download the Global Stakeholder Series: Business Is the Greatest Platform for Change.

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