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What Is Sales Tracking and How Does It Help Improve Team Performance?

Tracking sales data helps you cut through the guesswork and discover what's working and what's not.

By understanding the story behind the numbers, you can turn data into decisions and insights into action.

Let’s face it, we’ve all turned into number nerds. Every day, we’re tracking everything from our steps and sleep to our screen time and even how many coffees we knock back. Why? Because data cuts through guesswork — it shows us what’s working and what’s not.

In sales, we’re always swimming in data, from call logs and emails to deal closures and client feedback. All this data isn’t just useful — it’s essential to success. But sales tracking is just the first step. To make the most of your data, you need to understand the story it’s telling. That’s the key to turning data into decisions and insights into action.

What you’ll learn:

Hit key KPIs with real-time pipeline insights

What could you do with relevant insights at your fingertips? Sell smarter, take action, and hit your forecasts. That’s how Sales Analytics works.

What is sales tracking?

Sales tracking is the process of collecting, analysing, and reporting on sales data to understand performance, identify trends, and improve efficiency. It’s essential for assessing how effectively you are meeting your sales goals and for making informed decisions that propel your sales efforts.

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Why is sales tracking important?

Sales tracking is the groundwork for better sales results. It’s how you gather all the bits of data that tell you what’s happening on the front lines. Sales data gives you a clear picture of your overall performance, as well as a bird’s-eye view of customer trends and behaviours. But it also helps you analyse what’s happening on a more granular level. Sales tracking can help you gauge the length of your sales cycles so you can optimise for more efficiency or determine where your reps are spending their time — and whether those tasks could be automated.

In short, sales tracking sets the stage for deeper analysis and positive action. For instance, if you see a rep is smashing their sales targets but not making enough calls, it might be because they’re zeroing in on personalised LinkedIn InMails. These require more time but are strikingly effective. By tracking this data, you’re equipped to dive deeper and get at why things are working.

After that, you can use this data to make changes, turning raw data into strategic insights that sharpen your sales approaches and training. This way, sales tracking not only keeps you informed but agile, always ready to adapt and improve based on solid data insights.

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How to track sales

Tracking sales goes beyond merely keeping an eye on numbers; it’s also about making those numbers work for you. Here’s how to break the process into actionable steps to ensure your sales tracking is effective as well as easy to manage and interpret.

1. Set goals

Start with the essentials. What really drives sales? Focus on metrics that directly impact your goals. To select these KPIs, begin with the end in mind: What are your main business objectives? Increase customer retention? Boost profit margins? Reduce sales cycles? Choose metrics that give you insight into these areas. (More on the nitty-gritty of this process below.)

2. Define your sales process and set up your pipeline

Get clear on how a lead becomes a customer. Detail each phase from initial contact to final sale. What steps does your customer take? Where do they stumble? Once you’ve defined your sales process, you can map out the most efficient flow. Build a pipeline that reflects each customer’s unique sales journey using sales tracking to see where leads are and how to nudge them along.

3. Set up your CRM tracking workflow

When setting up a sales tracking system, it’s important to nail the workflow — how you collect data, sift through it, and report on it. Whether it’s a customer relationship management (CRM) tool or something else, a single source of truth helps you see the full picture by bringing all of your data together. This saves time and keeps your team focused on analysis, not data wrangling. Make sure that the reports generated are clear and highlight key metrics that provide actionable insights. Regularly update your dashboard features to reflect the most relevant information, helping your team make quick, informed decisions.

4. Customise based on your needs

Customisation is key when it comes to optimising your sales tracking. Regardless of your industry, the principles of tracking remain the same, but the details of what and how you track‌ (and what you track) should be tailored to fit your specific industry and market dynamics. For example, a tech company might focus heavily on customer acquisition costs and lifetime value, while a retail business might track daily sales and customer foot traffic patterns. Focus on data that is tailored to your goals and dashboards, then use that data to make changes that will help you be more efficient and boost your bottom line.

5. Turn data into insights you can use

Now for the fun part — using the data. Regular deep dives into your customised metrics tell you what’s working and what’s not:

  • Are acquisition costs too high?
  • Do daily sales align with marketing campaigns?
  • Are some reps hitting their targets while others lag?
  • Where do most leads drop off? Why?
  • What tactics are moving leads through the pipeline faster?

Understanding these patterns helps you continually refine your approach. Reviewing your data regularly is more than just a box-ticking exercise. It energises your team, keeps everyone on their toes, and ensures they’re quick to turn every insight into strategic actions that drive real results.

6. Share insights across teams

Sales is a team sport, and your insights can benefit marketing, customer service, and product development, too. By sharing what you learn from your sales tracking, you help align strategies across the board. Maybe a spike in drop-offs at the qualification stage tells you that marketing is attracting the wrong kind of leads, or perhaps a high customer acquisition cost (CAC) prompts a rethink on which deals you chase.

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Important sales tracking KPIs and metrics

Tracking every activity in your sales process isn’t just about oversight — it’s essential for refining tactics and boosting close rates. Depending on the specifics of your sales operations, the exact metrics you focus on might vary. Generally, sales KPIs and sales metrics fall into these main areas:

Sales performance metrics

When you want to gauge how each rep contributes to your goals, performance tracking is key. It provides a detailed look at the individual activities that drive sales success. Metrics to watch include:

  • Cold calls made
  • Emails sent
  • Call duration
  • Meetings completed
  • Opportunities closed (whether won or lost)
  • Sales win rate (leads won compared to opportunities closed, or how many leads get turned into paying customers)

Sales lead metrics

Keeping tabs on leads ensures no potential sale slips through the cracks. By monitoring the journey of each lead, you can refine your approach and enhance conversion rates. Essential metrics include:

  • Number of leads generated
  • Lead conversion rate
  • Lead score
  • Deal size
  • CAC

Sales goal metrics

To hit your targets, you need a clear roadmap. Sales goal tracking allows you to set benchmarks and measure progress in real time. Metrics that keep you on track include:

  • Total revenue goal
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily sales totals
  • Sales growth

Sales pipeline metrics

Understanding the flow and status of each deal in your pipeline is crucial for timely decision-making. Here’s what to monitor to keep your fingers on the pulse:

  • Total open opportunities
  • Opportunities lost per day/week/month
  • Pipeline velocity, or how quickly leads become customers
  • Sales cycle length

Sales activity metrics

It’s all about what your team does and how it translates into results. Tracking sales activities helps you identify high-impact activities and areas for improvement. Key metrics include:

  • Email response rates
  • Call durations
  • New opportunities created
  • Booked demos

Sales funnel metrics

Fine-tuning your funnel means understanding each phase of the customer journey. Analysing these metrics allows you to pinpoint where leads are being lost and where you’re winning:

  • Total inbound and outbound leads
  • Number of qualified leads
  • Conversion rate at each stage

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4 sales tracking tools to use

When it comes to nailing your sales targets, having the right tools isn’t a bonus — it’s a must. These aren’t just for keeping data tidy; they’re about making every interaction count, every lead more valuable, and every sales process smoother. Here’s a rundown of the types of tools to lean on to keep your sales engine running at full throttle:

1. Customer relationship management (CRM) software

Think of your CRM as mission control for all your customer interactions. This software centralises everything — from emails and calls to meeting notes — making sure nothing falls through the cracks. It’s about having all the info and making it work for you, ensuring you have a 360-view of every customer journey and can act on it fast.

2. Visualisation and dashboard tools

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a good dashboard is worth a thousand spreadsheets. These tools help visualise sales data in real-time, turning rows of data into clear, actionable insights. You can see at a glance where you’re beating your targets and where you need to switch gears, making it easier to share successes and strategise on quick meetings with the whole team.

3. Real-time analytics tools

Here’s where you get smart about what’s working. Good analytics tools dig deep into your sales data, uncovering trends and patterns that aren’t immediately obvious. Whether it’s tracking conversion rates or pinpointing your most lucrative sales channels, these tools give you the intel you need to refine your tactics and push your success rates higher.

4. Automation tools

Reps only spend 28% of their time actually selling, according to the latest State of Sales report. Automated tools help with that by capturing data such as emails, phone calls, and customer interactions, and logging every piece of information directly into your CRM. This minimises human error and frees up your team to focus on analysing the data and selling rather than collecting it manually.

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Stay on track toward sales success

Data-driven organisations are 23 times more likely to be profitable than those that aren’t, according to research from McKinsey. But it’s what you do with the data that really makes a difference in your sales approach. Whether you’re part of a small team eager to grow or running a large sales operation, getting your sales tracking right means you can spot trends, rapidly adapt to market changes, and stay ahead of the competition.

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