MetaMind Neural Machine Translation System for WMT 2016
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems, introduced only in 2013, have achieved state of the art results in many MT tasks. MetaMind’s submissions to WMT ’16 seek to push the state of the art in one such task, English→German newsdomain translation.
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems, introduced only in 2013, have achieved state of the art results in many MT tasks. MetaMind’s submissions to WMT ’16 seek to push the state of the art in one such task, English→German newsdomain translation. We integrate promising recent developments in NMT, including subword splitting and back-translation for monolingual data augmentation, and introduce the Y-LSTM, a novel neural translation architecture.
Citation credit
James Bradbury, Richard Socher
MetaMind Neural Machine Translation System for WMT 2016