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Sunup to Sundown, How Companies Use AI to Improve Consumers’ Lives

Sunup to Sundown, How Companies Use AI to Improve Consumers’ Lives

Artificial intelligence has become a part of our daily lives. In order to keep up with connected, informed, and demanding customers, companies have to use powerful technology the right way to anticipate, assist, and attract them.

For the majority of connected society, artificial intelligence quietly plays a role in their everyday lives. Whether a consumer actively pursues the latest and greatest technology or just uses Facebook to check in with friends and family, AI is a part of their life.

In the infographic below, we show how AI can be involved in someone’s life throughout the day. It starts with an internet-connected thermostat. Most of these devices are also connected to the users’ smartphone, and as the user adjusts the temperature, the device learns their preferences, habits, and schedule. Machine learning, over time, can take over, leaving the user comfortable in their home without ever touching the device.

Smart devices, including thermostats, smart alarm clocks, and map apps, are obvious ways people interact with AI. However, companies use AI in their marketing, sales, and customer service efforts, too, to help make the customer journey smoother and easier for consumers. Find out more ways AI impacts your daily life in this infographic.

Sunup to Sundown, Companies Use AI to Improve Consumers’ Lives

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  • 5:30am: The internet-connected thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature of the house to ensure the most comfortable temperature for the Consumer when they wake up.
    • It compensates for the humidity and cloud cover outside to run more efficiently.
  • 6:13am: The Consumer’s smart alarm clock wakes them up at just the right time for their sleep cycle.
    • They selected a time range of when they wanted to wake up (6:00-6:20am).
    • The device recorded the Consumer’s movements and sounds to track their sleep cycle.
    • The alarm wakes the Consumer up during their lightest sleep phase in the range they selected.
  • 6:25am: The Consumer calls out to their AI assistant to ask about the weather forecast.
  • 6:45am: As the Consumer eats breakfast, they check the price of a new TV on a major retailer’s website from their phone.
  • 6:50am: They send a link through Facebook Messenger to a friend to get their opinion on one TV set.
  • 8:00am: Once they arrive at work, the Consumer uses their car’s built-in parking assistance to help them parallel park.
  • 10:00am: During a work break, the Consumer checks Facebook and sees an ad for the TV they were looking at.
    • The ad features a coupon for 15% off if the Consumer buys from the retailer they were checking before.
    • The retailer used Facebook Pixel to reach back out to the Consumer.
  • 11:43am: The Consumer gets a text message from their bank asking about a potentially fraudulent charge to their debit card.
    • When the bank’s AI-enabled management system caught a charge that didn’t fit the Consumer’s pattern of behaviour, it immediately declined the charge and texted the Consumer.
  • 12:15pm: Over their lunch break, the Consumer listens to music from a playlist generated by AI.
    • It’s based on their personal playlists, what they’ve listened to recently, and playlists created by similar users.
  • 12:22pm: Curious about the deal on the TV set they saw on Facebook earlier, the Consumer checks the retailer’s website again from their laptop.
    • They use the chat bot that pops up on the TV’s product page to ask about other deals.
    • After a few basic questions about the Consumer’s lifestyle, the chat bot recommends a different TV.
    • Instead of taking notes, the Consumer enters their email address and has the chat log sent to their inbox.
  • 12:45pm: The Consumer checks their email from their phone and finds a new coupon from the retailer for the TV the chat bot recommended.
  • 12:46pm: Clicking the phone number in the email, the Consumer calls the retailer to learn more about the TV.
    • The phone number is for the store closest to the Consumer’s current location.
    • After talking to the Salesperson, the Consumer decides to complete the purchase online and pick the TV up after work.
  • 12:55pm: The Consumer goes back to the emailed coupon and clicks on it to go to the retailer’s mobile site.
    • The landing page is for the TV set the Consumer wants, and the discount is automatically applied when they add it to their online cart.
  • 1:00pm: Excited about their new TV, the Consumer checks Google Maps to find out how long it will take to drive to the store.
    • They decide to go at 5:30pm, which is listed as a less busy time for the store by Google’s AI.Then, to find out what time they need to leave the office, the Consumer uses the map feature that predicts drive time. It says to leave at 5:05pm to account for rush-hour traffic.
  • 4:55pm: The Consumer’s phone buzzes with a notification that their route to the store will take longer because of construction on the highway. The AI-powered app has already calculated a faster route, but still recommends leaving in 5 minutes in order to arrive at 5:30pm.
  • 5:30pm: When the Consumer walks into the store, they ask to see the Salesperson who helped them earlier.
    • The Salesperson greets the Consumer at the entrance and has the TV for the Consumer.
    • Because the retailer’s AI-enabled CRM found a pattern among TV purchases, the Salesperson also hands the Consumer a package of new batteries for the remote, free of charge.
    • Then the Salesperson gives the Consumer a set-up guide, created in-store, as multiple customer reviews on the website mention that the manufacturer’s instructions are difficult to follow.
  • 7:00pm: The Consumer is home, watching their favorite show on their new TV.
    • Their phone buzzes with a text from the retailer asking the Consumer to score their shopping experience.
    • After the Consumer responds, the reply from the retailer asks them to save their customer service phone number in case they have any questions or concerns in the future.
  • 7:40pm: An email from the retailer lands in the Consumer’s inbox.
    • It thanks them for their purchase.
    • It presents a coupon for a complementary product.
    • And it has the manufacturer’s warranty and instructions attached in case the Consumer misplaces the paper copies that came in the box.


Artificial intelligence has become a part of our daily lives. In order to keep up with connected, informed, and demanding customers, companies have to use powerful technology the right way to anticipate, assist, and attract them.

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