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It’s All in the Details: How to Create More Detail-Oriented Sales Presentations

It's All in the Details: How to Create More Detail-Oriented Sales Presentations

Learn about which details you should include to improve your pitch and credibility, and create the best sales presentation.

We’ve learned that one of the ways master sales professionals close deals is to lay on as many details as possible. The strategic use of evidence in sales presentations is a powerful way to drive conversions. Including statistics, quotes, and other specific details helps convince clients that you know your stuff and should be taken seriously.

So where do you start? Read on to find out which details you should include to improve your pitch and credibility, and create the best sales presentation.

1. Why your presentation is relevant to the client

First and foremost, you should not use the same generic presentation for each client you pitch. Clients will recognize your lack of effort and originality immediately. Instead, make every presentation unique to each client you work with. Include distinct details about them and their business, and how both relate to your product. Identify the specific problem the client is having and provide numerous ways your product can help solve it. A nice touch would be to include the client’s company logo on any handouts or digital slides you use in the pitch. The client will appreciate those small details and recognize the extra effort put forth to make the presentation relevant, and they may thank you by closing the deal.

2. Information about the client’s business that shows you understand

Building off of number one, it’s a good idea to go a step further when it comes to your client’s business. To show you’ve done your research, you understand your client’s company, and you feel like your product will compliment them, include business-specific details such as:

  • Address their company goals and values and explain how your company goals and values align.
  • dentify any potential problems they may encounter, and how your product could benefit them.
  • Include their annual report(s) or any newsletters or publications they send out (as long as these items are relevant to your presentation).

Know your client’s customers, competition, and even a little bit of their company history. Even if these details do not make it into your presentation, they may come up organically during conversation.

3. Potential gains

One of the most important aspects of a sales presentation? The potential gains your product could bring to your client’s company. Make sure the benefits outweigh the costs, or else no savvy business owner will invest in your product or service. This is a good place to go heavy on the details. Show the prospect you know your product and you’ve thought through all the possible avenues you could take to enhance their company. Include a spreadsheet with solid numbers to back up your claims.

4. Potential costs

While including a spreadsheet with numbers detailing the potential costs of your product or service is a necessity, you shouldn’t necessarily include this at the beginning of your presentation. Explain your approach and focus on the gains before discussing the financials.

There’s no need to shy away from the money talk completely. Present it in a clear, upfront manner, know your stuff, and be prepared to answer questions. Clients will respect and trust someone who knows all the potential risks and is honest over someone who glosses over these details as though they’re not relevant. Prospects want to know any and all costs before they agree to close the deal.

5. A timeline

Finally, consider including a timeline of your strategy and when your approach will go into effect. Clients want to know how long it will take to put the full scope of your plan into action before agreeing to sign on the dotted line, so do them a favor and include it in your presentation in black and white. Consider including a start or delivery date, but make sure the client understands this date is flexible. You don’t want to scare them off with a concrete date that doesn’t fit their goals.

The Takeaway

Including specific details that show you know your stuff is a guaranteed way to wow your client and achieve sales success. In addition to including these unique components, make sure you know your pitch. Practice it numerous times, anticipate questions, and be confident in your ability to sell. Close your presentation with a recap of all the benefits your client could enjoy by working with you.

What would you add to the list? Is there anything you like or don’t like when listening to a sales presentation? Let us know in the comment section below.

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